Thursday 8 October 2015


(1)What is AIDS?

  Acquired Immuno Deficiency syndrome(AIDS) is caused by by the human Immuno deficiency virus(HIV), a member of a group of viruses called retrovirus, which have the envelope enclosing the RNA genome.

(2)Transmission of HIV-infection occurs by:-

  Sexual contact with infected person.
 By transmission of contaminated blood and blood products.
By sharing infected needles is case of intravenous drugs.
From infected mother to her child through placenta.

(3)The following person are at risk of aids:-

Those have multiple sexual partners.
Drugs addicted taking the drugs intravenously.
Individuals who acquire repeated blood transfusion.
children born to an infected woman.

(4)The prevention measures of aids:-

use of disposable needles and syringes.
checking blood for HIV.
free distribution of condoms and advocating safe sex.
control of drug abuse.
promoting regular check up for HIV in susceptible population, etc. 

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