Friday 9 October 2015

Facts about Heart:-

                                        Blood Pressure:-

  • The pressure created by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels due to the repeated pumping of heart is called blood pressure.
  • It can be felt an certain places in our body viz., Wrist of the hands, etc. 
  • The rate of pulsation increases during excitement.
  • Blood pressure is recorded as systolic/diastolic.
  • Blood pressure is normal person =120/80 mm Hg.
  • Factors affecting blood pressure are age, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, etc.

                                            Heart Beat:-

  • It is the rhythmic contraction and expansion movement of heart.
  • The movements of heart beat are similar to the contraction and dilation of ventricles.
  • The rate of heart beat is 72 per min in adult male and little higher in woman,children, infants, during exercise, fever and excitement.
  • A Heart beat has two compounds, Systole and diastole.
  • These components produce sounds like lub and dub.
  • Stethoscope is used to  listen heart on the left side of the chest.

                                         Heart Sounds:-     

  • The beating of heart produces sounds, heard by stethoscope.
  • There are four heart sounds designated as S1, S2, S3,and S4.

First Sounds:-

  • is a long and louder sound created by the closure of atrioventricular valves at the beginning of ventricular systole.

Second Sounds:-

  • Is a short and sharper sound created by the closure semilunar valves towards the end of ventricular systole.
  • The s3 and s4 may not be audible but are usually faint.
  • These sounds are associated with the rapid venticular filling and systole.

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