Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Drugs And Alcohol Abuse:-

 The drugs that are commonly abused include opioids, cannabinoids, coca-alkaloids, amphetamines, benzodiazepines and lysergic acid Diethylamide.
             These are drugs which binds to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, e.g., morphine and heroin.
             These are a group of chemicals, which interact with cannabinoid receptors present mainly in the brain.
           It is obtained from erythroxylon coca interferes with the transport of neurotransmitter and dopamine.
          These are products obtained from Atropa belladona and Datura species are hallucigenic. LSD is obtained from a fungus.
          Tabacco contains mainly nicotine, which is a stimulate and toxin. it is usually chewed or smoked or used as snuff. Nicotine stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline and non-adrenaline, which increase the blood pressure and heart rate. Chewing of tabacoo cause oral cancer.
          It is a depressant. It affects the central nervous system.
Alcohol act as a sedative, analgesic and anesthetic.
If regular does of alcohol is abruptly discontinued alcoholic person than the person might suffer from withdrawal syndrome which is characterised by nausea and sweating, shakieness and these symptoms might be relieved when the alcohol use is resumed again.

             Effect of Drug/Alcohol Abuse:-

       The immediate effects od drugs abuse are reckless behaviour, vandalism and violence. Its excess does can lead to coma and death due to cerebral haemorrhage, respiratory and heart failure.
  The common warning signals of drug/Alcohol use are:-
 (1) Drop in academic performance.
 (2)Isolation from family and friends.
 (3)Lack of interest in personal hygiene.
 (4)Aggressive and rebellious behaviour.

          Prevention And Control:-

      The preventive measure are
  • Avoid undue peer pressure.
  • Accept failures and disappointments as part of life.
  • Seek help from parents and peers.
  • Seek professional medical help for deaddiction.
  • Look for danger signs.


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