Saturday 9 May 2015

Some facts:-


A phagocyte is a cell that can surround engulf, and digest micro-organisms,foreign particles that have entered the body and cellular debris. Phagogyte from part of the body's  immune system and  are found in the blood,spleen,lymph nodes,alveoli and elsewhere. Some types of white blood cell are 'free' phagocytes,able to wander through tissue and absorb micro-organisms.


    the pharynx is a muscular passage lined with mucous membrane that extends from the nasal cavity to the oesophagus. The upper part, the nasopharynx, connects to the ear via the eustachian tube and acts as an air passage. The oropharynx, a passage for air and food,lies between the soft pLte and the upper edge of the epiglottis.The laryngopharynx lies below the epiglottis and opens in to both the larynx for breathing and the oesophagus for swallowing, 

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