Sunday 18 October 2015

Benefits Of Yoga:-

  • yoga work by stretching muscle therefor you move better and feel good.
  • Yoga can help you when you is some disease.
  • In today's life 40+ age people we can see commonly back pain problem but yoga move can help you and treat you/
  • Yoga help you not immediately but long time.
  • Yoga is a way for you don't know what is problem in your body. yoga can solve this problem.
  • Yoga can reduce stress, lower heart rate and blood pressure control.

Some Yoga Move:-

(1)For Back Pain:-

 Lower Back Pain:-

  • Spine Hamstring Stretch
  • Two-Knee Twist
  • Sphinx
  • Pigeon
  • Legs Up to Wall

 Upper back Pain:-

  • Cobra Pose
  • Dolphin pose
  • Easy Pose
  • Half frog Pose

(2)Leg Pain:-

  • Legs Up the wall Pose
  • Standing Forward Fold
  • Seated Forward Fold
  • Supported Bridge Pose
Watch my Blog next time i blog some new move.

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