Tuesday, 25 November 2014

3D Hologram of Unborn Baby

  •  surprising your parents about your pregnancy by slipping them a 2D ultrasound, you can completely blow their minds with a 3D hologram.
  • Traditionally, holograms are made by photographing an actual 3D object in a special lighting setup but  new printer can produce a hologram using a 3D digital model instead.
  • In 120 minutes a full-color hologram can be produced, or just 90 minutes if you're content with a single color.
  • Holographic displays that could show mothers their child before it is born.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Bodybuilding Best Foods

 Building a good body is depend on your foood.
Eat the right ones,and your body will respond accordingly.

Such As:-

1. EGG:- 
                      Nutrients: 99 calories, 21 g protein, 2 g carbohydrate, 0 g fat, 0 g fiber.

      As any bodybuilder knows, protein is critical in the muscle-building process. Every tissue in the human body, including muscle tissue, consists of proteins that are constantly being broken down and need to be replaced. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein for bodybuilders

            NUTRITION :-Calories 421,Total Fat 13g,Total Carbs 19g,Protein 50g

    Building muscle mass requires a combination of proper exercise and diet. Many bodybuilders eat food that contains the maximum amount of protein countered by a minimal amount of fat.  chicken is an ideal muscle-building food in that it strikes a balance. While it might not be the tastiest method of preparation, boiled chicken hits the spot when it comes to building muscle mass.


              NUTRITION:-Calories 224,Total Fat 3g,Total Carbs 46g,Fiber 7g,Protein 9g

          Bodybuilders often emphasize sweet potatoes over white potatoes because they’re a source of slower-digesting carbs. White potatoes are somewhat higher on the glycemic index than sweet potatoes , which means white potatoes trigger a greater insulin response. Although bodybuilders want to increase insulin release around the time of their workouts, an insulin spike is a physiological response they try to avoid at other times of the day. And that’s why bodybuilders choose sweet potatoes over white potatoes at whole-food meals, especially later in the day.


             Nutrients: A 4-ounce serving has 136 calories, 24 g protein, 0 g carbohydrate, 4 g fat, 0 g fiber

        Not only is it more flavorful than chicken, but some cuts are almost as low in fat while still boasting the requisite protein power. Pork tenderloin is the filet mignon of pork -- it's the most tender, as well as the leanest portion, of the meat. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Spirometry  is a common office test used to assess how well your lungs work by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale and how quickly you exhale.
Spirometry is used to diagnose asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  and other conditions that affect breathing. Spirometry may also be used periodically to check whether a treatment for a chronic lung condition is helping you breathe better.

Reasons for test:-

(1)cause of shortness of breath
(2)Measure progress in disease treatment
(3)Check lung function before  surgery

Types of spirometer:-

(1)Whole body plethysmograph
(3)Fully electronic spirometer

Early Pregnancy

Early pregnancy  develop treatments for mild to severe complications of early pregnancy, which include recurrent miscarriage, urogynaecological problems and the growth of ovarian cysts and fibroids.

(1)The use of ultrasound for early pregnancy complications
(2)The prevention of recurrent miscarriage
(3)urogynaecological problems in pregnancy

Friday, 14 November 2014

Vegetables and fruits

(1)Blood Pressure:-

- High blood pressure is a  risk  for heart disease and stroke. As such, it’s a condition that is important to control. Diet can be a very effective tool for lowering blood pressure. 
-This trial examined the effect on blood pressure of a diet that was rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and that restricted the amount of saturated and total fat.


Numerous  studies revealed what appeared to be a strong link between eating fruits and vegetables and protection against cancer. But because many of these were case-control studies, where people who already have a certain health outcome  are compared to people who do not have that outcome  it is possible that the results may have been skewed by problems inherent in these types of studies; people with illnesses, for example, often recall past behaviors differently from those without illness, which can lead to potential inaccuracy in the information that they provide to study investigators.

(3)Benifits:-Fruits and veggies are high-energy, nutrient-filled, low-calorie food sources that have been traded for high-fat, high-calorie, low-nutrient foods that bring on fatigue, excess weight and, even worse, disease. A diet rich in good quality fruits and vegetables are very important for our health and function. If you are primarily buying food that has a longer expiration date than you do, you need to change your diet as soon as possible!

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

accuracy of lung cancer

new analysis of published studies found that FDG-PET technology is less accurate in diagnosing lung cancer versus benign disease in regions where infections like histoplasmosis or tuberculosis are common. Misdiagnosis of lung lesions suspicious for cancer could lead to unnecessary tests and surgeries for patients, with additional potential complications and mortality.
Histoplasmosis and other fungal diseases are linked to fungi that are often concentrated in bird droppings and are found in soils.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Ebola Virus

(1)About Ebola virus:-

  • Ebola virus disease , formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans.
  • Ebola virus outbreaks have a case fatality rate of up to 90%.
  • Ebola virus outbreaks occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests.
  • The virus is
    transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
  • Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are considered to be the natural host of the Ebola virus.
  • Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. No licensed specific treatment or vaccine is available for use in people or animals.

(2)How to ebola virus contol on you:-

Ebola isn’t as contagious as more common viruses like clods, influenza, ormeales. It spreads to people by contact with the skin or bodily fluids of an infected animal, like a monkey, chimp, or fruit bat. Then it moves from person to person the same way. Those who care for a sick person or bury someone who has died from the disease often get it.
Other ways to get Ebola include touching contaminated needles or surfaces.
You can’t get Ebola from air, water, or food. A person who has Ebola but has no control can’t spread the disease, either.

(3)Ebola virus feature:-

  • high fever
  • headache
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • sore throat
  • Weakness
  • Stomach pain
  • Lack of appetite

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Most Usefull vegetables and fruites for glowing Skin


They contain vitamin A which is anti-inflammatory and helps fight off acne-causing bacteria.

Vitamin C found in these fruit, helps to firm and tone the skin. It prevents free-radical damage, protects your skin cells and delays signs of ageing.


they are a great source of anthocyanins – a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and slows down the ageing process and helps prevent wrinkles

For the ultimate anti-ageing, wrinkle-fighting boost, add vegetables high in vitamin C like carrots in your diet which can protect and improve your skin. They are high in beta carotene which the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the most important nutrients for healthy skin.

Mashed strawberries mixed with honey, avocados or yoghurt can bring a healthy radiance to the skin. But you can also use the juicy red fruit to whiten teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid, a natural whitening agent.


Tomatoes have an antioxidant called lycopene which acts as a sunscreen from within and has anti-ageing properties too. Tomatoes are acidic in nature and applying their pulp to the pimple causes the skin to dry and the pores of the skin in the region get tightened. 

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Latest Research

Aloe Vera Benefits

(1)Source of Vitamins and Minerals:-

  1. Calcium
  2. Sodium
  3. Iron
  4. Potassium
  5. Manganese
  6. Zinc
  7. Folic acid
  8. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E
  9. Amino acids

(2) Digestive Cure:-

Aloe Vera is very useful for curing bowel problems due to its high anti-inflammatory properties.Aloe vera also helps in the growth of good bacteria in the gut, this keeps all digestive disorders at bay.

(3)For Muscle and Joint Pains:-

Applying the gel externally can ease muscle and joint pains.  But do not forget to use freshly prepared gel.

(4)Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Skin:

Aloe Vera is suitable for all skin types including highly sensitive skin. You must have seen and used various skin care products which contain the Aloe gel. It is the most common remedy for all skin problems.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Medical research for relataionship

There’s no question that romantic breakups can be really hard.  Research has revealed that experiencing a breakup has several unique effects on our sense of self or self-concept (i.e., everything that makes us who we are) as well. For example, research has demonstrated that, after a breakup, people feel that their self-concept is smaller than it was before the breakup; in other words, they feel like their self-concept has diminished somewhat.1 This makes sense, since over time people tend to incorporate their romantic partner into their self-concept, meaning that their individual identities begin to merge. In the wake of a breakup, then, the self-concept may feel reduced or contracted because there used to be another person involved in it (e.g., part of “me” used to include being a loving partner to a specific person, and now that part is gone).
Not only that, but breakups seem to influence our self-concept clarity (the degree to which we have a clear sense of who we are). In a series of three studies, Erica Slotter and her colleagues found that, after imagining or actually experiencing a breakup, people experienced a reduction of self-concept clarity. This hit to self-concept clarity was associated with a desire to change things about themselves or their routines (e.g., cutting or coloring their hair to help “redefine” themselves, changing activities they engage in, etc.). Reduced self-concept clarity following a breakup also predicted the emotional distress people felt.2 Thus, breakups seem to make people feel a bit confused about who they are, and this may (a) motivate them to establish a new “me” that doesn’t rely on the former “us,” and (b) help explain why they get so upset and distressed when their relationship ends.

Latest reasearch

By injecting
mesenchymal stem cells into mouse leg muscles prior to several bouts of eccentric exercise (similar to the lengthening contractions performed during resistance training in humans), researchers were able to increase the rate of repair and enhance the growth and strength of those muscles in the exercising mice.